Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vinson Orthodontic's "ME Fine" Angel Trees

Me Fine Foundation's 7th Annual "Hope for the Holidays 2010"

Vinson Orthodontics is supporting the Me Fine Foundation in collecting gifts for over 200 Me Fine Families over the holidays. We would love for you to participate in fulfilling their goal this year. Select an "angel" from our "ME Fine" Angel Trees and purchase the item requested on the tag.

If you choose to participate, please print your name and address on the back of the Angel Card and leave it at our office along with the gift. Me Fine will be picking up all gifts collected by Vinson Orthodontics on December 10th. However, we plan to continue collecting Angel Tree gifts throughout the holidays to benefit the ME Fine Foundation for upcoming events such as Christmas in July or as birthday presents throughout the year.

Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in the lives of children and families being treated at Duke and UNC Children's Hospitals. Please visit to learn more about the mission of the ME Fine Foundation, Inc.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Choose Vinson Orthodontics for a beautiful STRAIGHT smile? Damon Braces of course!

We are so excited to share the Damon Braces philosophy with you! Please take a few minutes to watch this video about Damon Braces. Call us today to schedule your "free" new patient consultation... we would love to meet you!