MARA is an acronym for Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance
It is a overbite/overjet corrective appliance. The mara has a lower bar with bands that are cemented on the Lower first molars. The top has two bands that are cemented on the Upper first molars, then we place what are called elbows into the top of the mara. Once those are placed the patient then has to learn how to move there lower jaw forward. Patients typically have this appliance in for right around a year. It may look bulky. Dr. Vinson has asked many paitents about how long it took to get use to it they say about a week. We ask the patient to try and stay to soft foods for the first couple of days.
Here are a few images of what a mara looks like:

Here is a video of how a mara is placed and used.
Daisha - Clinical Assistant at Vinson Orthodontics