Fine's annual Christmas in July Event is now in progress and you can
visit our Clayton office to get an angel from our tree. Me Fine
Foundation was established to assist families with children in
treatment for life-threatening diseases or conditions at Duke and UNC’s
Children’s Hospitals.
Each year, Me Fine and our volunteers travel to both hospitals to
deliver gifts and a little holiday cheer to the children during our
annual Christmas in July Event. Even Santa takes a break from his island
vacation to make a personal stop at each room in the pediatric
units. The kids decorate their rooms and doors in anticipation of this
special day.
For more information visit:
Vinson Orthodontics is excited to support our community
in any way possible. If you would like to help...please stop by
our Clayton office anytime and grab a tag!!
Vinson Orthodontics is excited to support our community
in any way possible. If you would like to help...please stop by
our Clayton office anytime and grab a tag!!