Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    Get Involved: Be a Sharefish at Vinson Orthodontics

Vinson Orthodontics is excited to have the opportunity to sponsor three children from El Carrizo, Honduras through Sharefish, a local non-profit organization.  Angela, Yelsin and Carlos are now able to attend school and receive necessary resources for their families to ensure that they have the food and supplies they need to stay in school.

What is Sharefish?
Sharefish was started by 5 Raleigh “gringos” after mission trips to Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the world.  They witnessed children living in a perpetual cycle of poverty.  These children are unable to attend school as their families are unable to afford the materials.
Looking for ways to make a lasting impact, this small group created an organization to improve education, nutrition, housing, medical and economic opportunities in these impoverished communities.  Sponsorships are created to put kids in school, build libraries to increase literacy and provide basic medical education.

How can you help?
Dr. Vinson and our team invite you to participate in opportunities and events at our office throughout the year to reach out to these children and their community.  Information regarding these events will be available at our office , through our staff members and on our website. 

Explore sharefish.org to find out more about sponsorships, donations or to be inspired to find your own way to be a Sharefish.  Just share a little, that’s all it takes to make a lasting impression.

Have a Splendid Day!
Vinson Orthodontics

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Me Fine Angel Tree - Hope for the Holidays 2012

Vinson Orthodontics is excited to support the Me Fine Foundations Angel tree again this year!  Me Fine is a local non-profit that assists families with children fighting critically or terminally ill conditions at Duke and UNC's Children's Hospitals. 

How can you help?
Pick a tag off our Angel tree and purchase the item. You can drop it back off to our office and we will make sure that the gifts are delivered to Me Fine for distribution to the families for the holidays.

For more information, please visit www.mefinefoundation.org.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

iRock iTunes Facebook Post a Video Contest

So what are you waiting for?  Our patients can just post a video on our facebook page telling us why you love braces, our office, our team or Dr. Vinson.  Once you post the video, just stop by our office and get your $10 iTunes gift card!  Pretty simple, huh???

Check out our Facebook page!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What is a Mara Appliance?

MARA is an acronym for Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance

It is a overbite/overjet corrective appliance. The mara has a lower bar with bands that are cemented on the Lower first molars. The top has two bands that are cemented on the Upper first molars, then we place what are called elbows into the top of the mara. Once those are placed the patient then has to learn how to move there lower jaw forward. Patients typically have this appliance in for right around a year. It may look bulky. Dr. Vinson has asked many paitents about how long it took to get use to it they say about a week. We ask the patient to try and stay to soft foods for the first couple of days.

Here are a few images of what a mara looks like:

Here is a video of how a mara is placed and used.


Daisha - Clinical Assistant at Vinson Orthodontics

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Parent's Perspective (Part two of Austin's Story)

"Austin’s Insignia kit arrived the last week of April. I brought him to the office since it was an early release day so he could get his braces on. He was very excited. He ate a really good breakfast that morning since he wasn’t sure how he’d feel later on. I stayed in the office while Robin worked on him. I didn’t want to get in the way and I had lots of work to do to keep me busy. It went really smoothly and he was done in no time! All new patients get a care package with items to help them take care of their teeth. Dental hygiene is even more important when you have braces!  Robin gave him detailed instructions on how to brush and floss, what he can and can’t eat and what to expect these first few days. He promised to follow all the directions and I gave him some ibuprofen in case he got sore. "

By Michele (mother of patient at Vinson Orthodontics)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can I get braces as an adult?

Are you an adult who is not crazy about your smile? Have you considered orthodontic treatment, but think you are to old for braces? I was but now I am an adult patient wearing braces and I am so excited to be well on my way to feeling great about my smile. I had braces as a teenager, like many others I only wore my retainers sporadically, at some point lost them and as the years went by my teeth gradually became more and more crowded.

I spent many years being self conscious about my smile but I was also totally resistant to the idea of wearing braces as an adult. Then I began working for Dr.Vinson and after learning more about the benefits of the Damon System and seeing the beautiful smiles we were creating for our patients I finally came around to the idea.

The day had finally arrived to get my braces on and I was soooo nervous. From what I remembered of having braces before the process of getting them on was very lengthy and uncomfortable. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy and quick it was, only taking a little over and hour and It was not painful or uncomfortable at all. I was a little sore in the following days not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. I have to admit that It was an adjustment to see myself with braces at fist but after a few days I was completely use to it, now I don't even notice. I have now had my braces on for 10 weeks and It is amazing the changes I already see. I am just so excited about the end result. I am very happy to be an adult Orthodontic patient.

Whitney- Front Desk Coordinator at Vinson Orthodontics

Monday, July 9, 2012

Countdown to the Olympics 2012 at VInson Orthodontics!!

How many olympic gold medals will the US bring home this year?  There will be 300 Olympic Gold Medals awarded.  Please visit our facebook page to participate in our newest game where YOU could be one of the three winners of your own custom designed shoes!  It is easy...the closest guess of the number of gold medals the US will bring home WITHOUT going over will be the winners!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Parent's Perspective... Austin's Story (Part 1)

Vinson Orthodontics is excited to share with you a story of one our patients through the eyes of his mother. 

"I know my son’s smile isn’t perfect. Some of his adult teeth are still growing in and so his teeth aren’t even. Some of them are turned a bit and the front two overlap a little. His dentist has been urging me to have him evaluated by an orthodontist for about 3 years. I finally decided it was time. At the orthodontist visit I learned he had a cross bite which means his lower arch is wider than his upper arch and his teeth do not meet properly.

When he was evaluated at Vinson Orthodontics, I learned that not only does he have a cross bite, but his front four teeth actually prevent him from biting down at all! None of his other teeth even touch! Dr Vinson to the rescue! First came the impressions. They take special molds, top and bottom and a wax bite which shows how his teeth fit and special x-rays. Everything is sent to the lab where they use computers to create a 3-D image of his bite. Then each bracket is custom-made to move each tooth into proper position. Dr Vinson was able to show me exactly what Austin’s smile will look like at the end of treatment. Where else can you can see exactly what you are going to get? We are very excited about the Insignia process.

It takes about 5 weeks for Austin’s kit to be manufactured to his specific needs. His braces will be one of a kind!"

Michele (parent at Vinson Orthodontics)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Me Fine Foundation's Christmas in July 2012 at Vinson Orthodontics

Vinson Orthodontics is excited to support the Me Fine Foundation's Christmas in July 2012!  The Me Fine Foundation is a local non-profit organization that provides support for patients and families at UNC and Duke Children's Hospitals.  Our tree is up in our Clayton office so please take a tag and help us make this their biggest one EVER!! 

Every July since 2005, Me Fine's elves and Santa take a trip to UNC and Duke Children's Hospitals to spread a little Christmas joy.   It is easy.  Just take a tag from our tree and purchase the wish item.  You can return the gift to our office to be given to Me Fine!!

Thank you for your generosity!!
Vinson Orthodontics

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day to all of our WONDERFUL MOMS!!

Vinson Orthodontics would like to thank you for all that you do!  There are no words that can express how much we appreciate your efforts in bringing our patients in for their visits.  You are also just as important in the long time outcome of their beautiful smiles! 

You deserve so much RECOGNITION!! Please check out of video....of you!!


Monday, April 2, 2012

April is National Mouthguard Month...Save Face!!

As spring approaches most patients begin a more active lifestyle. We recommend a mouthguard during sports and certain recreational activities, such as rollarblading and skateboarding. Our mouthguards cover the upper and lower teeth and can be trimmed to your comfort with regular household scissors. An orthodontic mouthguard can be picked up at our office at no additional charge. Do NOT wear the type of mouthguard that is heated and formed over teeth with braces. These can cause damage to your braces. If in doubt wear a mouthguard. its better to be safe than sorry!

Be Safe!!
Orthodontic Assistant at Vinson Orthodontics

Friday, March 23, 2012

Vinson Orthodontics is "Thanking our Teachers"!!!

We are excited to announce the opportunity for our patients to nominate their favorite teachers on our Vinson Orthodontics Facebook page. The winning teachers will each receive $100 cash AND the nominating patient will receive $50cash.

Please take advantage of this event that truly will recognize those special teachers that do make a difference in our lives each and everyday.

For more information, login to our facebook page and click the "Thanking our Teachers" event to fill out the nomination form.

Vinson Orthodontics

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Vinson Orthodontics $500 Scholarship

We know that many of you are preparing for college for next year. This is a great opportunity for you to apply for our $500Vinson Orthodontics Scholarship for 2012.

The Vinson Orthodontics Scholarship program awards an annual non-renewable $500 scholarship. Applicants must be current patients or have completed orthodontic treatment at Vinson Orthodontics. Applications will be accepted from present or previous patients planning to attend or attending an institution of higher learning for at least one year. If you are eligible and interested, please email us at scholarships@vinsonorthodontics.com to request information and an application.

Deadline is June 10, 2012!!

We are looking forward to seeing your application soon! Please visit our website to check out our previous year's winners!!

Vinson Orthodontics

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vinson Orthodontics " 2011 A Year in Review" Video

Please check out our 2011 video highlighting some of the fun throughout the year! You might find yourself in it!!!


Vinson Orthodontics

Meet our newest staff members: Angie and Sonya!

We are so excited to share with you the addition of two new team members to our talented staff at Vinson Orthodontics. Both of these ladies bring in lots of experience and fun to help us better serve you and make your experience here one to remember.

Angie is a North Carolina Native. She currently resides in Durham with her husband Dennis. They have one son named Nick. Angie was a stay at home mom for many years. However ,now that her son is older , she is very excited to return to the wonderful world of Orthodontics. Angie enjoys running on a daily basis with her husband. They also enjoy doing volunteer work together, especially working with youth. Angie also participates in mission trips. Her favorite trips have been to Honduras and Puerto Rico.

Sonya has lived in North Carolina all her life. She currently lives in Zebulon with her husband Britt and son Nicholas. Sonya is a graduate of UNCG and has worked in various positions within the orthodontic field for approximately 15 years. When not working, Sonya enjoys spending time with her family and being a soccer and tee ball mom.

Please take a moment to greet them on your next visit!

The Vinson Orthodontics Team